Submit your trades!
There probably isn't a more requested feature than the trade price overview, and it's finally here! A collaboration between the better goSupermodel extension of Naddi, the gsmValues project of Noble and our own gSt has made it possible to now collect trade information and display it.
How does it work?
With the better goSupermodel extension installed (and updated to v4.4) there will now be a 'submit this trade to goSuperTools' button in your trade log. It will open a pop-up with the information it will send. Simply submit and your trade will be added to the database. When it is accepted, it will show up under 'trade prices'. Here is an example.
Everything is converted to gm
The value of the item is converted to only gm from the gm, vip, dia and sgs in the trade. The exchange rate is based on a survey Naddi made where she took the average of the responses.
But what if people abuse this feature?
All trades will be checked before they are added to the trade log and your account-id is saved with every trade. So, if we come across a user that sends in suspicious trades often, we will most likely block this user from submitting trades, to protect the database integrity.
Another fun feature that Naddi has added to the better gsm extension, is that you are now able to preview gSt links as if they are gosupermodel item links. And she has also added a 'see item on' link when opening a gsm item. Isn't she amazing!?
Read about all Naddi's updates of the better goSupermodel extension v4.4. here.
- A new feature of the better goSupermodel extension (from Naddi) allows people to send gSt their trades, as info for the trade overview.
- The trades will be converted into gm value.
- The information is checked before it is published.
- With the extension GoSupertools links also show a item preview on gsm and shows the gSt link when opening a gSm item link.