Welcome to goSuperTools Information
This page gives you an overview of Information about goSupertools like newest changes, how to contact us and other fun goSupermodel related projects!
Latest Updates
We want to keep you informed about the development of goSupertools. We try to be as transparent as possible with you, so we list the latest major update here. We also post Development updates regularly on the frontpage.
Update 7. March 2024:
Official beta launch of goSupertools! Keep your eyes peeled on
the frontpage for more information.
Stay Connected
If you want to stay up to date on anything related to goSupertools and its features, check the News on the frontpage regularly and join our CLUB.
Other Projects
- Naddis
"Better goSupermodel" is a browser extension that has a bunch of small improvements for goSupermodel such as clickable links and colouring your own forum posts. Visit her CLUB for more Information and a better explanaition of its features.
- Decimoways
Ever missed a goCode and wondered what you missed out on? Did you score a nice goPack item from auctions and want to see what else was available in that Pack? Check out Decimoways goSupermodel Database to get a categorized overview of all released Items to date!
Click HERE to get to their website!
- Barbarellas
goSupermodel Wiki:
The goSupermodel Wiki was revived to serve as an up-to-date resource and archive of valuable, comprehensible, easily translated, and unbiased information about goSupermodels past, present, and future.
Click HERE to get to the gSm Wiki!
Feedback and Suggestions
We love to hear feedback and get suggestions from you! Feel free to message Sieena or Teddirachi on gSm! If you want to stay anonymous, message us at [email protected] or use our FEEDBACK form.