Our official Launch!
We launched the Beta Version of goSuperTools at the beginning of March, and today we can finally celebrate the official launch of the completed website!
Before we dive into the changes, here are some fun stats from the last 4 months:
You looked up our 22,577 items a total of 519,403 times! That's an average of 23 visits per item. Since the launch of the Wishlist feature in May, you've created a total of 1,837 shop pages and 115 wishlists. Altogether, we've had around 2.5 million pages loaded across the entire site!
Chizumi is also responsible for the cool new Newspost layout and most of the graphics on our website!
We also have one more new member on our team, Inuka! She joined our Content Team and is responsible for the new Vibe Tags and their corresponding icons. She works with Teddirachi to brainstorm new features.
And now the fun stuff! We made the following changes to the website:
- CATWALK page: You can now create Looks on the "Database" page and showcase them on the Catwalk. Others can Like your look and view the Items you used in more detail.
- Leaderboard button: Moved to the front page to make space for the new Catwalk feature.
- Wardrobe analyzer: Now shows an estimate of your wardrobe's worth based on auction history. Click "Show Details" to see what Items you own are worth a lot.
- Owned indicator: After using the wardrobe analyzer, your owned items are saved in your browser to show an "owned" indicator in created shops and wishlist pages.
- Category tags: Items in shops/wishlist pages now display a category tag, e.g. "goPack Item."
- Highscore: Added the ability to save your highscore on games (resets weekly).
- Performance improvements: Massive performance enhancements; item pages now load instantly instead of taking 10+ seconds.
- VIBE TAGS: Added besides item tags to describe the vibe of an item. You can select up to two vibe tags and filter by them on the Database Page.
- Admin Comment Box: Opened to everyone for providing additional information about items. Click "Submit Info" on the item pages!
- Bug fixes: Numerous bug fixes implemented.